August 18, 2013


Is there anything better than realizing you have absolutely nowhere you have to be today? My younger self would have hated that. I would have been anxious about the prospect of a whole day stuck at home...bored.

Now, of course, I know that I can actually be more bored when running around doing things I must do than when I am sitting at home. Ah, perspective.

I have been thinking about writing again. I mean, it's always in the back of my mind, but I've been actually missing it. Wanting to do it. Which reminded me that I actually have a blog I've been neglecting...

Here's the thing I think about blogs: You have to have a thing. It's a rare blogger who is successful without a thing that gives their blog shape and focus. Like, traveling the world for a year - that's a good thing to blog about. Finding out you have cancer - that's a good (albeit difficult) thing to blog about. Even having a baby can be a good thing to blog about if your audience is all other people who are newly becoming parents.

Simply living your life isn't really a thing to blog about unless you are A) a celebrity or B) you are just super interesting - and probably very witty and a good writer. I would totally love to put myself in that bucket, but reality would tell a different story.

You CAN just blog about your regular old life, of course, my point is simply that it's difficult to keep it interesting.

I need a hook. A thing. A hooky thing. If not for the people who actually read this blog, then just as a way to trick my brain into thinking about what to write. I need motivation...focus. Shape. An angle.

Really I just need to set my mind to something and then follow through with it for more than a couple weeks. Or abandon ship. Or just admit that really all I'm ever going to blog about are things I cross of my 40 by 40 list.

Hmmm...I'm going to go back to having nothing to do today.